Pyramid Schemes Versus Swiss Cash

August 10, 2006 at 5:08 am 4 comments

What Is a Pyramid Scheme?

Pyramid schemes first started with chain letters. Basically, a pyramid scheme involves the selling of the possibility to earn money, and does not usually involve any tangible goods.

For example, the pitch may be for the secret to earning ten thousand dollars a month. In order to get that secret, you must send X dollars to the seller. What you get, is nothing more than the original information, or a “license” to begin selling the same “information” yourself.

Ads for this type of scheme were often seen in newspapers and other mass media. The point was to sell as many opportunities as possible, before there were so many people in the pyramid that the entire scheme would collapse.

It got the name, because it starts with one person or a small group, and expands multiple times at each level that goes downwards from the “top”, increasing the number of people involved, and thus the size of the sales staff at that level.

In some schemes, besides the original purchase of a secret, you were also required to send a certain fee per sale, back to the person who sold you the idea.

The typical features of a pyramid scheme are high-pressure sales pitches, little or no information offered about the opportunity or company prior to payment of a fee, and no contact information.

Remember that a pyramid scheme is not the same as Multi Level Marketing (MLM) where people sell things such as make-up at home parties, but also earn “commissions” for enrolling new sales staff.

Is Swiss Cash A Pyramid Schemes?

One of sources of income in Swisscash is SFP. SFP is stand for Swiss Cash Financial Plan. The SwissCash Financial Plan is a binary system in which you build balanced left-side and right-side downline organizations for the purpose of accumulating SIP Investment Volume. The monthly SFP commissions you earn are based on the balanced SIP Investment Volume accumulated in your left-side and right-side downline organizations.

SwissCash Trading Accounts are designed to pay you monthly SFP commissions on Investment Volume (regardless from which SIP) with no limit on the number of levels from which you can earn your commissions. In addition, a SwissCash Trading Account allows you to be paid on the Investment Volume created by your downlines.

The income you receive from SwissCash Financial Plan will be in direct proportion to your ability to promote SwissCash’s financial services and your ability to build an organization of SwissCash Financial Planners, Consultants and Investors.
Commissions are awarded in US Dollars in your e-bank account on the 5th of the following month after calculating the total monthly (according to calendar month) SIP investment volume on the left and right side of your trading account.

What the differents?

In piramid scheme you might be have 2, 3, 4 or even more downline level where only 1st level is your direct referals, and you get profit from all level with certain percentage; other works for you!

BUT in SWISSCASH you only has 1 downline level; your direct referals, and 10% SAP and SRP bonus you can get from your direct referals, not from your referal’s referrals(downline of your downline)…

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

HYIP Versus Swiss Cash SwissCash News

4 Comments Add your own

  • 1. mohd sopiyan rashdi  |  November 15, 2006 at 5:01 pm

    pl tell us why embassy do not recommend this investment

  • 2. mohammadrezxa  |  August 9, 2007 at 8:39 pm


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